Find a CRS A reminder that RRC has officially launched the new and improved CRS referral website...
Council News
2019 in Numbers
Education & Training The Council hosted over 211 one- and two-day classroom courses. RRC hosted...
Making Waves
Through education, networking and referrals, 2020 RRC President Richard Waystack wants to expand...
Vantage Point: Expanding Expectations
From the desk of 2019 RRC President Richard Waystack, CRS During my years in real estate, so many...
Sell-a-bration 2020: Are You In?
Join other CRSs for networking, education and fun Year after year, members tell the Council they...
A New Way to Connect
RRC’s new tool can help you make a perfect connection One of the strongest benefits of being a CRS...
Meet Our New Designees
Celebrate and acknowledge your peers in residential real estate who have recently earned the...
The RRC Career Center
Is it time for a new career challenge? Or maybe you’re looking to hire help to maintain more of a...
Added Value
Credit union benefits arrive for members The Council is always striving to empower members with the...
Vantage Point: Moving Forward
From the desk of 2019 RRC President Michael Burkhard, CRS CRS Designees and Council members: I want...