Everybody Back in the Pool! Former homeowners who lost their homes to foreclosure are beginning...
Market Trends
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Things Will Be Great When Youre Downtown A decades-long trend toward decentralization of...
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Green Tips Green housing initiatives follow the philosophy that everything we do should have...
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How Old Are You Now? The United States is not prepared to meet the housing needs of aging...
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School Colors Football Saturdays bring many college alums back to their old stomping grounds...
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Street first As the push to develop more walkable communities gains traction, certain metro areas...
Amenities Aloft
Amenities Aloft At the Porsche Design Tower, a 60-story high rise under construction in Sunny Isles...
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It’s a Sprawl World Urban sprawl has long been a pet cause for public transit and urban...
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Going Downtown A recent study by Livability.com ranks the best downtowns in small- to mid-size...