The Kendall Bonner Team, Tampa, Florida How did you get involved in real estate? I’m originally...
Our Members
Exciting International Growth
From the desk of RRC President Tricia Nekota, CRS In a few weeks, Inmociónate will take place in...
Successfully Serving Seniors
Kim Kantrow, CRS, says working with seniors has enriched her life and business Previously an...
Meet Emma Shibe, CRS: Helping Clients and the Community
RE/MAX Dynamic Properties, Anchorage, Alaska How did you get involved in real estate? It was in...
Take Advantage of Offerings From RRC
From the desk of 2023 RRC President Pam Ruggeroli, CRS In February, we came together at the 35th...
Double the Success
Brian Phillips, CRS, prides himself on being a full-service agent Since 1997, Brian Phillips, CRS...
Profiling the 2023 RRC President – Pam Ruggeroli, CRS
Learn more about incoming 2023 president Pam Ruggeroli, CRS, and her journey through the real...
Meet Ana-Seydi Lopez, CRS: Helping Clients and the Community
AS Propiedades, San Jose, Costa Rica How did you get involved in real estate? I started because I...
Meet RRC’s New CEO, Jeff Hornberger
What drew you to the CEO position at RRC? I’ve known RRC for more than 20 years, and it’s been an...
Inspiring Our Members
From the desk of 2023 RRC President Pam Ruggeroli, CRS It’s an absolute honor and privilege to step...