Tips and advice from CRS Instructor Robert Morris, CRS
By Robert Morris, CRS

Robert Morris, CRS
Remember the saying, “It’s easier to get business from and do business with people who already know you, like you and trust you, and are in the flow with you.”
This is a true and relevant statement that most agents seem to ignore or have simply forgotten. They spend huge amounts of time, energy, effort and money trying to generate new business from strangers and very little of those things on people with whom they have done business and who are happy with them.
Referrals can become a very good source of income for the agent who commits a little time and effort to developing them. Best of all: These are simple, actionable steps you can take right now with minimal cost commitment.
Here are three key elements to developing and maintaining a winning referral business:
Ask for the referral.
Very often, agents assume customers and clients know they want and desire additional business and therefore don’t ask for referrals. Here’s a little secret: They don’t know.
Remember, most people are willing to help you if they know you want and need their help. So ask the question: “Do you know of anyone who could benefit from my knowledge and expertise in buying or selling real estate?”
A huge step in creating more referral opportunities is to ask for them. This should be a regular part of your post-closing follow-up—and don’t be afraid to ask more than once.
Teach your customers and clients how to send you referrals.
Explain to your customers that their positive endorsement of you and your skills is important to new prospective customers. Teach them how to give your contact information to prospective referral prospects and also to ask the prospect if it would be okay if their contact information was given to you.
When you can secure the contact information for a referral prospect, this increases your chances for a successful contact and transaction. This also helps your clients feel more comfortable making the connection.
Thank those who send you referrals early and often.
Be sure to say “thank you” as soon as you receive the contact information for the potential referral, even if you have not been able to verify the referral right away.
It’s the thought that counts and you should acknowledge the person with thanks and praise immediately for mentioning your name and thinking of you. Follow up periodically to say thanks to those who have remembered you and told others about your professional skills.
After you have successfully performed your services for a referral sent to you, be sure to say “thank you” again and let them know how much it means to you to have satisfied customers and clients singing your praises to others.
If you can incorporate these three key elements into your daily plan to grow your referral business, you will see a major improvement in your overall business, with increased income, too.
The 2017 CRS Referral Directory comes out this month. Remember to tell clients that you can help their friends and family find high-quality REALTORS® across the country through the exclusive CRS referral network.