Work + Life

Pull the Plug

These days, it feels like the technology in our smartphones can do anything. We can talk to someone or look up information instantly, watch our favorite movies or even find someone to walk our dogs. However, too much attachment to our screens can negatively affect our overall quality of life. Whether it’s once a week or every evening, there are benefits to taking regular breaks away from your phone.

  • Quells unhealthy feelings: Ever feel like getting regular updates on everyone else’s lives makes yours feel small in comparison? Are you worried that missing just one email, text or tweet will leave you out of the loop? These feelings of envy and anxiety are all too common in the age of social media, and powering down can provide the opportunity to refocus and appreciate our lives in the present moment.
  • Helps you recharge after work: Constantly checking emails after work or doing other work-related tasks may lead to burnout and increased stress. Taking regular breaks can help you feel more refreshed and focused during working hours, which is better for you and your clients.
  • Can help you sleep better: If you sleep with your phone close by and are woken up by every text or notification, you aren’t giving your brain or body proper rest. Even light from your screen may be disrupting your sleep cycle, so keep your phone in another room or on “do not disturb” at night.
  • May help you improve your interpersonal communication: While technology makes communication fast and convenient, it also removes body language, tone and other things that help us understand one another and form bonds. So instead of constantly texting, take time to meet with a friend or loved one to have an in-person conversation.